Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Anniversary Giveaway AzatieSayang

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A Wishes For Azatie & HB


"Setiap orang adalah berhak kepada kebebasan pendapat dan mengeluarkan fikiran; hak ini termasuklah kebebasan memegang pendapat tanpa gangguan dan menuntut, menerima dan menyebarkan maklumat dan buah fikiran melalui sebarang media dan tanpa mengira sempadan."

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Sumber: Google

Get well soon

I suddenly got fever a few days. Doctor said i got fever and he give me MC. Not sure why suddenly got fever. Maybe because of the dubiety weather .3 days i can't go t0 work. i'm just rest at home.I felt very weak very cold and always hide my hold body in blanket but the temperature is very hot. Thank y0u so much for my Husband,although he must go to work he still have time to bring me to clinic and cook for me..Thats why i LOVE my husband very much. Anything happen he always with me.
Even fever, today i go to work .Hopefully is not worse and will getting better.Pray for me….

# Wordless Wednesday- Fever (x_X)

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