Sunday, October 16, 2016

Surirumah sekalian... are you okay?


Terpetik dihati ni nak kongsi perasaan bagaimana menjadi surirumah.Besar tau pahalanya..Menjadi surirumah tak semudah yg disangka.. duduk rumah saja..banyak masa lapang..goyang kaki tengok drama2 tv...

Oh tidak sama sekali...
Walaupun duduk rumah & tak bekerja yg bergaji ribu2..tapi kerja dirumah pelbagai2 perlu dilakukan tanpa gaji tapi dengan seikhlas hati.

Rutin harian seorang surirumah sepenuh masa::
Bangun awal pagi kejutkan anak dan suami.
Siapkan anak ke sekolah.
Buatkan sarapan.
Hantar anak ke sekolah dan suami pergi kerja depan pintu dengan senyuman supaya anak semangat untuk belajar dan suami ikhlas mencari rezeki untuk keluarga.
Sambung tugas harian basuh baju,sapu sampah,mengemas rumah,masak dan sebagainya.

kalau ada yg mempunyai anak kecil lagi la kelam kabut buat kerja kan.mana nak susukan anak,mandikan anak,tidokan anak,main2 dengan anak..apapun anak perlu lebih diutamakan..kerja rumah boleh disambung..tetapi perhatian kepada anak2 perlu didahulukan.

Letih memang la letih tapi dilakukan dengan ikhlas dan kasih sayang. Apabila anak dan suami balik ada depan mata yg letih tadi pun dah terubat.
Love.Life.Happy.Family ♡♥


Kebiasaannya, tugas-tugas mengemas rumah dan menjaga anak seringkali diserahkan kepada isteri sepenuhnya. Berapa ramai suami yang membantu isteri melakukan kedua-dua perkara itu apabila balik dari kerja? Lebih memenatkan lagi bila isteri yang juga bekerjaya terpaksa melakukan kesemua itu seorang diri. 

Tertekan di tempat kerja, ditambah pula dengan tekanan di rumah boleh menyebabkan mood isteri menjadi negatif. Namun kebanyakkan isteri mengambil langkah untuk mendiamkan diri dan nampak seperti okay sahaja melakukan semua kerja itu kerana tidak mahu bertengkar dengan suami. 

Sebagai suami, sepatutnya cuba mencari jalan meringankan bebanan isteri walaupun isteri hanya sekadar surirumah. Jadi surirumah sepenuh masa pun penat, lebih-lebih lagi ada anak ramai. 

Jadi, bagaimana caranya untuk meringankan bebanan mereka? Ikuti nasihat dari Puan Nurul Ilyani di bawah. 
Oleh Puan Nurul Ilyani

Hari ini saya mahu cerita. Mungkin suara segelintir isteri, mungkin juga bukan suara semua. Dulu, apabila saya penat, semua saya cerita dengan suami. Saya membebel dan bercakap pasal semua penat saya. Membebel ya, bukan meluahkan. Meluahkan, sangat positif. Membebel, negatif. Baca terus hingga perenggan akhir nanti.

Apabila saya mula mendidik anak sepenuh masa, saya pula belajar komunikasi teknik Nabi saw dalam parenting. Saya jadi bercakap perkara-perkara yang penting dan bagus saja, walaupun hari itu saya lalui dengan teruk sekali. Ia bagus agar minda saya kekal positif. Apabila saya asyik merungut dan menyebut-nyebut perkara negatif, saya akan jadi lebih negatif.

Suami, isteri kalau yang pandai mengawal emosi, mereka banyak diam. Mereka telan dan selesaikan. Semua masalah hiruk pikuk di rumah, semua diselesai sendiri. Daripada tak dapat makan dengan tertib, mandi dan urus diri dengan sempurna, semua dia diam. Diam dia bukan dia OK dengan semua ini. Diam dia kerana dia mahu kekal POSITIF menjalankan tugas dia sebagai isteri dan ibu.

Suami, tak banyak pun perlu buat. Apabila balik kerja, beli makanan kegemaran dia. Hari-hari pun tak apa. Suami saya selalu beli nescafe ais ikat tepi kegemaran saya walaupun kadang-kadang lupa. Suami kata tak elok, tetapi saya teringin juga. Air sejuk itu buat saya gembira dan kurang penat. Kalau isteri gemar makan mahal-mahal dan kalau hari-hari beli pokai juga. Beli hadiah kecil-kecil yang comel. Di kedai Hinode pun banyak.

Suami apabila balik kerja, nampak isteri sibuk kalut, terus ambil anak-anak. Suruh isteri masuk bilik rehat 30 minit, biar urus diri atau kalau anak-anak sudah besar, bawa keluar jalan-jalan. Sekurang-kurangnya dapat isteri tadi bersosial dengan WhatsApp group kawan-kawan solehah dia atau buat posting ilmiah di Facebook. Itu sebagai 'booster' untuk tenaga dia sampai keesokan hari.

Suami apabila balik, tak banyak, sekali puji dan ucap terima kasih. Ya Allah, isteri, sekali tuan-tuan cakap,
"Terima kasih jaga anak-anak, sayang memang isteri dan ibu yang bagus."
Percayalah walaupun dia macam malu-malu kucing, dalam hati dia macam ada gendang yang dipalu-palu. Gitu.

Suami, apabila malam sudah tenang-tenang, tanya soalan, 
"Hari ini sayang okay? Sayang buat apa?"

Walaupun tuan-tuan tahu hari-hari buat benda sama. Ya Allah tak tahu kata apa, isteri walaupun dia jawab nak tak nak tapi dia suka. Kalau dia stress masa ini, dia luah semua. Ini baru komunikasi positif. Sebenarnya, isteri mahu rasa diberi perhatian, rasa diambil tahu. Dia bukan minta rumah 10 buah, emas 1 tempayan tetapi dia mahu perhatian, secure dan sayang.

Barulah jadi suami isteri positif, mendidik anak-anak positif, lahir keluarga positif. 

Sekian.terima kasih.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sister is kakak

Ten things your older sister will never tell you

When you’re the younger child in the family, you have to listen to not only to what your parents say but your older siblings as well. Sometimes this can feel like you’re being bossed around. This feeling causes resentment, complaints, and remonstrance. But what if there is another way to look at this situation?

There are a lot of things your older sister had to deal with but never told you about. We would like to reveal some of these secrets and give you an opportunity to look at a different side of your sister to better understand the reasons for her behavior.

1. She was brought up under stricter rules

She was the first child, and she was the only child for a long period of time. Your mom and dad were only starting to learn how to be parents. They didn’t really know what they were doing. There is always a fear of making mistakes in these cases; therefore, they set very strict rules for her. When they had you, they had already learned about parenting and were more flexible.

2. Your parents often remind her that she is the older one

An older sister has to be smart, even though she wants to act up. She has to give in even though she doesn’t want to. Parents always say these things, but she understands it. Therefore, she knows she has to be the responsible one.

She learned how to be responsible for the little munchkin (you). She tried not to make much noise so the baby wouldn’t wake up. Then, she became responsible for the naughty girl who had to be taken to kindergarten. She was responsible for the spry schoolgirl who needed a huge amount of time to get ready for school. She was also responsible for the third grader who didn’t want to do homework, and for the seventh grader who skipped school from time to time. There were so many different responsibilities.

3. She tried to be a good role model for you

Your older sister couldn’t be like her crazy friends. Even though she was young, she had to learn to think carefully about her decisions and actions like an adult. She knew you looked up to her. Of course, she had an impact on your upbringing. But you also influenced her, you were a motivation to get better every day.

4. Sometimes you were a real disaster for her

She had to deal with a lot of difficult stuff, like a complicated relationship with your parents, school problems, and quarrels with friends, all by herself. She wanted to help you so she shared her experiences. Sometimes you thought it sounded obtrusive, boring, and irritating. You were really defensive and crossly rolled your eyes. But your sister tried not to pay any attention to your behavior, so she carried on and protected you to help you avoid any trouble.

5. She knew you’d make mistakes

Yes, she gave you advice and shared her experiences. However, she knew you had to deal with some things yourself. So in some cases, she just watched you make mistakes and let it take its course. But no matter what, she was always supportive, ready to be the shoulder to cry on, and be there comfort you afterward.

6. She helped your parents understand you

Sometimes she had to take the role of mediator when it was necessary. Even when you weren’t right, your older sister stood up for you and tried to explain to your parents the reasons behind your bad behavior.

7. She was worried when you grew up and started dating

When you became a teenager, your older sister gave you tips on how to talk to boys, do your makeup, and match your clothes. She answered questions that you were too awkward to ask your parents. On one hand, she was happy to see you in love. But on the other, she was very worried that someone could break your heart.

8. She had to be strict with you

Sometimes you felt like your sister didn’t care about you and your problems; you thought she teased you just for fun. But she was actually trying to motivate you when you had to concentrate and pull yourself together. This strategy worked better than pity and blandishments.

9. Sometimes she was absolutely confused

Your older sister tried different roles. She had to be a teacher, a friend, and a bodyguard. But most of the time, she didn’t know what she was doing. But in spite of this, she pulled herself together.

10. She is always ready to help you

Your older sister is happy to be the first person you call in an emergency. She will selflessly come to your rescue and try to solve your problem like it’s her own.

She had a huge influence on your upbringing and personal development. She loves you like no one else in the whole world. You are not just siblings. You are not just friends. You are both of these things. Forever. Appreciate your older sister.


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